Online Word Compare Tool

Find difference between 2 text files. Just input or paste original and modified text and click Compare button. Fast, Private & Unlimited.
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How to compare Word files/code side by side & View Diff

  1. Copy the original Word in the block on the left
  2. Copy the modified Word in the right block.
  3. Just click Compare button to view side by side comparison.
  4. View the differences highlighted in colors.

Online Word Diff Checker Tool Features

  • Privacy: This tool does all the processing on your browser, so nothing is saved on our server unless you choose to save.
  • Hightlight: This tool highlights the differences between the two Word files. It uses red color to highlight the deleted string and green color to highlight the added string. Also calculates the number of lines added and deleted.
  • Beautify: This tool can also beautify or format your Word code. Right click on the pane you want to beautify/prettify & select Format Document or click Format button. This is very helpful when you are comparing code from websites that often minify Word files.
  • PDF Export: You can save the diff view as PDF file for sharing with others privately.
  • Public Share: You can share the diff view publicly with others by saving online and sharing the URL.
  • Syntax: This Word diffing tool can show syntax highlighting for your comfort.
  • Search: You can easily find all the occurances of particular string if you want to change them.
  • Navigation: You can navigate through the differences using the arrows on the bottom right corner of the diff view.
  • Ignore Options: You can use options like trim whitespace, render side by side, word wrap for better comparison.
  • Secure: All the data is encrypted and sent over 128-bit SSL/TLS secure connection for online saved data.
  • No Installation: This is a web based tool, no software installtion required. It works on any modern browser like Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc on Windows, Mac or Linux based computer.
  • Unlimited: There is no limit on number of comparisons you can do. You can compare as many Word files as you want.

Is Word comparison processed & stored on remote server?

No, all the processing is done on your 🖥 browser, so nothing is saved on our server unless you choose to save to share online.

For private sharing, you can download the diff as PDF file.

What is a Text Compare Tool?

Text compare, also known as diff (short for difference), is a process or tool used to find the differences between two sets of text. This is commonly used in programming and writing to track changes, find errors, or merge changes.

In programming, text compare tools are often used to see what changes have been made to a codebase over time. This is especially useful in version control systems like Git, where you can compare different versions of your code to see exactly what was added, modified, or deleted.

In writing or document editing, text compare can be used to track changes made to a document over time, or to compare two versions of a document to see what changes have been made.

Most text compare tools work by showing the two sets of text side by side, with differences highlighted. Some tools also provide additional features like merging changes, ignoring certain types of differences, or integrating with other software.

What are the uses of a Text Compare Tool?

Here are some common uses of a text compare tool:

  • Code Review: Developers often use text compare tools to review changes made to code bases. It helps in understanding what has been added, modified, or deleted in the code.

  • Document Review: Text compare tools can be used to compare different versions of a document to track changes over time. This is particularly useful in collaborative writing or editing scenarios.

  • Debugging: When debugging, a text compare tool can help identify differences between expected and actual output.

  • File Synchronization: Text compare tools can help ensure files in different locations stay synchronized, by highlighting differences.

  • Learning and Teaching: In educational settings, text compare tools can help students understand differences between their solutions and provided solutions or examples.

  • Plagiarism Detection: Text compare tools can be used to compare documents for similarity, which can be useful in detecting plagiarism.

  • Configuration Management: In IT and software development, text compare tools can be used to manage and track changes to configuration files.

How to use this Online Word Compare Utility to compare Two Document files for Differences?

If you want to find differences in two Word files, select the original document in left pane & modified/updated document in right hand side pane. Our tool will automatically detect text content from the document and load in the editor. Once text is loaded in both panes, you just need to click on Compare button.

This is a web based tool, no download required. It works on any modern browser on Windows, Mac or Linux. Mobile Browsers like on Android or iPhone might have some problems with touch issues.

You can also change settings for side by side comparison or change language.

What Word Documents are supported?

We currently support Docx (XML Documents) files which are default for newer softwares like Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, Libre Office or Google Docs etc.

.doc, .odt files are not supported yet via file upload. You can always copy and paste text manually from any file format in respective panes to view diff.

Can You Compare Word and PDF documents.

Right now, you should copy text from each of them and then paste into respective editor to find differences or similarities.

Does this Word Compare software check for graphical content too?

No, this tool only compares text content from Word file. Other content like graphics is ignored.

How Can I share the diff result?

You need to applicable time period from dropdown. After you click on 'Find Difference' button, you'll be given a unique URL. This unique URL can be shared via email or social media with your friends or coworkers.

What about Privacy of my documents ?

All the extraction and comparison happens on your browser. No data is saved on our server unless you explicitly choose to save for select time period. After that time period, all data is automatically deleted from our database.

You data will only be visible to people who have your unique URL.

Can you compare two different versions of MS Word document files for free

Yes, this tool is absolutely FREE. Other softwares charge hefty amount just to compare two document files, we feel proud to do community service by making a free to use tool. We only ask you to share link to this software with friends/coworkers who might need a service like this.

How is this Tool Free?

We run ads on our website to help pay us for server costs. We also accept sponsored posts for small fee.

Open Source Libraries Used in Making of this Tool

We would like to thank creators/maintainers of Docxtemplater & JSZip projects which we have used to build this tool.