Compare PDF files & find Differences Online

Compare and find diff in two pdf files easily for free. Drag and drop or click to add files and then click on Compare button to see all changes.
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How to use this Online PDF Diff Tool to compare 2 documents for changes?

  1. Choose 2 files you want to compare in left and right panes.
  2. Once PDF files are parsed, Compare button will be enabled. Click on it to check diff.
  3. By default PDF mode will be visible with deleted text highlighted in red color in left pane and inserted text highlighted in green color in right pane.
  4. Image mode converts each page into an image and compares them.
  5. File detail mode shows file metadata information like last modified date time, file size, number of pages, creator, PDF version etc.

How does the PDF comparison works?

  • Once you choose your files, text content is extracted from each page.
  • After extraction, only text content is compared in PDF mode.
  • For the original file, deleted text is highlighted in red color annotation and for modified file, inserted text is highlighted with green color annotations.

This is a web based tool, no software installtion required. It works on any modern browser like Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc on Windows, Mac or Linux based computer. Mobile Browsers like on Android or iPhone might have some problems with touch issues.

What is PDF Diff Checker?

PDF compare tool is a software application that allows you to compare two PDF files and highlight the differences between them. These tools are often used in professional and academic settings to compare different versions of a document, track changes, or merge changes.

Here are some features our PDF comparison tool offers:

  • Side-by-Side Comparison: Allows you to view two PDFs side by side for a direct comparison.
  • Highlight Differences: Highlights areas of the PDFs that are different.
  • Zoom and Pan: Allows you to zoom in and out and pan around the PDFs for a detailed comparison.
  • Text-Based Comparison: Our toolyh can extract the text from the PDFs and compare it line by line or character by character.
  • Image-Based Comparison: Our can compare the PDFs as images, which can be useful for finding differences in layout, formatting, or non-text elements.
  • Metadata Comparison: This tool can compare the metadata of the PDFs, such as author, creation date, and modification date.
  • Privacy: This tool does all the processing on your browser, so nothing is saved on our server unless you choose to save.
  • Hightlight: This tool highlights the differences between the two PDF files. It uses red color to highlight the deleted string and green color to highlight the added string. Also calculates the number of lines added and deleted.
  • PDF Export: You can save the diff view as PDF file for sharing with others privately.
  • Public Share: You can share the diff view publicly with others by saving online and sharing the URL.
  • Search: You can easily find all the occurances of particular string if you want to change them.
  • Secure: All the data is encrypted and sent over 128-bit SSL/TLS secure connection for online saved data.
  • No Installation: This is a web based tool, no software installtion required. It works on any modern browser like Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc on Windows, Mac or Linux based computer.
  • Unlimited: There is no limit on number of comparisons you can do. You can compare as many PDF files as you want.

These tools can be standalone applications, web-based tools, or features within larger software suites. They are particularly useful in fields like legal, publishing, engineering, and any other field where PDF documents are frequently used.

All file processing and comparison is done in your browser itself. No file information or data is sent to our servers.

Where it doesn't work?

  • Highlighted colors and text are not aligned correctly. Contact us with files/screenshots if they are off by large amount.
  • It detect additions/removals at wrong places. Contact us with sample files.

Can You Compare Word and PDF documents?

No, both files must be PDF files. We have separate tool to compare word documents. You can always compare text content from pdf and word files manually by copy and pasting content. It supports most PDF versions based on Adobe format.

Does this PDF Compare software check for graphical content too?

Yes, sort of. Image mode converts each page to an image and then compares them. Right now, PDF mode only compares text content.

It doesn't detect any text from my pdf file.

This may be because your pdf has text as an image. You can use Image mode to compare the images. Otherwise, you'll need to use OCR software to extract text content in that case.

How Can I share the diff result?

You can export PDF files and share files directly. Insertions/Deletions are added as green/red annotations which can viewed in any PDF viewer that supports annotations.

Image diff can also be exported.

Online sharing functionality is in roadmap rightnow.

What about Privacy of my documents ?

All the extraction and comparison happens on your browser itself. No data is saved on our server unless you explicitly choose to save for select time period. After that time period, all data is automatically deleted from our database.

You data will only be visible to people who have your unique URL.

Can you compare pdf document files for free?

Yes, this PDF diff tool/software is absolutely FREE, there are no limits number of pages or size of document files you can compare. You are only limited by your browser resources limit.

Other softwares charge hefty amount just to compare two pdf files, we feel proud to do community service by making a free to use tool. We only ask you to share link to this software with friends/coworkers who might need a service like this.

Uses of PDF Comparison Tool

A PDF compare tool can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are some common uses:

  1. Document Review: PDF compare tools are often used to compare different versions of a document and track changes over time. This is particularly useful in collaborative writing or editing scenarios.

  2. Contract Comparison: In legal and business settings, a PDF compare tool can be used to compare different versions of a contract or agreement to ensure that changes have been correctly implemented.

  3. Proofreading: PDF compare tools can be used in proofreading to compare an original document with a proofread version, making it easier to spot and correct errors.

  4. Quality Assurance: In software testing, a PDF compare tool can be used to compare output documents with expected results to identify any discrepancies.

  5. Academic Research: In academic research, a PDF compare tool can be used to compare different versions of a research paper or thesis, or to compare a student's work with source materials in plagiarism detection.

  6. Engineering and Design: In engineering and design, a PDF compare tool can be used to compare different versions of a design or blueprint to track changes and ensure consistency.

  7. Publishing: In publishing, a PDF compare tool can be used to compare different versions of a layout or design, or to compare a final print-ready document with an original draft.

Remember, the usefulness of a PDF compare tool extends to any scenario where you need to compare and understand differences between two PDF documents.

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